A Walk through a Pasture/A Walk through a Meadow | Teen Ink

A Walk through a Pasture/A Walk through a Meadow

January 12, 2015
By mollieollie SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
mollieollie SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." -Emily Dickinson

A Walk through a Pasture

A mind in his meadow,
A sheep in his pasture,
Just two in their comforts,
One minor, one major.


The sky is blue,
And light wind blows,
The air is cool,
And tall grass grows.


I walk along
All through the plain.
I walk along
Each step, more gain.


The pasture’s vast,
Open and wide.
I take a pause
And think aside.


I’m just a sheep,
In my pasture,
Behind the herd
I come after.


A mind in his meadow,
A sheep in his pasture,
Just two in their comforts,
One minor, one major.

A Walk through a Meadow

A mind in his meadow,
A sheep in his pasture,
Just two in their comforts,
One minor, one major.


The sky is vibrant,
And wind is crisp,
The grass is green,
And air is brisk.


I wander along
All through the haze.
I amble among
The beauty I gaze.


The meadow stretches
Goes on so long.
I follow suit
And carry on.


I am a thinker,
A wanderer, ambler.
Here in my meadow,
I am my own leader.


A mind in his meadow,
A sheep in his pasture,
Just two in their comforts,
One minor, one major.

The author's comments:

Ideally, the two poems would be next to each other to further the parallels, but it won't let me do that. Inspired by french class and vocabulary we learned there.

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