My Own Cinderella | Teen Ink

My Own Cinderella

January 16, 2015
By kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time stands still,
then it’s ticking away.
What will happen in the morning?
Will you fade away?

The clock strikes midnight,
but what will I do?
That’s when I change,
and will no longer be with you.

What would you do
if you knew that real me?
How would you feel?
If only I could let you see.

Nobody knows, and no one will.
They don’t understand
why time stands still.
They don’t get why I hide myself.

They don’t see
just why you can’t know the real me.
But if you find out,
will you see through the mask?

The author's comments:

trying to be someone other than yourself is pretty difficult.......

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