Identity | Teen Ink


January 15, 2015
By always_tomorrow GOLD, Sacramento, California
always_tomorrow GOLD, Sacramento, California
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't dwell on the shores of your troubles, else the tide might come in and you'll start drowning.

I am bound
by these words they tag me with.
Words they throw around so lightly
but which sting
and weigh me down.

They make us out to be
items on shelves,
classified by the letters on our

We are like cattle,
wandering around with identities
they have stapled to our ears.
Like prisoners,
held captive by these heavy words:
     “Worthless, weak, rebel, freak,
      Angry, ugly, emo, gay!”

They speak these words,
with their sharp tongues
and careless eyes.
Not knowing that
every time one escapes the lips
it burns like the fires of Hell,
and bleeds like a festering wound.

It's almost unbearable,
to the point where I just want to give in
to the violent hands,
binding me,
and dragging me further into the
endless depths of this ocean of

But then, there is a light,
and another.
They come closer and reach out to me.
I see that they are not just lights,
but they are people
whose chains bear the same names as mine.

We stand, hand in  hand,
Illuminating the darkness.
The Revolution has begun.

We must rise from this darkness
and fight back against those who label us!
We must break these chains,
and shed this skin of words that confine us.
Rip off the labels!
And wrap ourselves in our own, true

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