Present Day | Teen Ink

Present Day

January 18, 2015
By JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Over the next few months

Just around three

We stopped talking

After I tried, unsuccessfully,

To invite you to hang out.

I never knew

Why we stopped

And I never will

Because I'm done.

I'm done chasing.

I've spent too much time

Hung up on a guy

Who doesn't care.

If he cared, he would make an effort.

If he cared, none of the awkward wouldn't matter.

But he doesn't, and it does.

So again I say

But I guess he got bored

So this is goodbye

It was fun while it lasted

And I won't even cry.

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