Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

February 5, 2015
By SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am began from a rainy May night,
The day my blue eyes were first flooded with the fluorescent light
  From here my life would take flight

  I am From nighttime skis with my father,
   His jouncing headlamp the only thing illuminating my path farther
  From these nights is where skiing became my ardor

  I am from a modest blue home living in suburbia seemingly no different
   A pile similar to tims hill made of projects and Tackle filling our house flaunting our commitments.
From here my family can be defined with contentment

I am from Kayaking rivers stagnant or swift
Scrambling down Rapids spraying more than mist
Each robust current forcing us through rifts spitting us around corners sending us adrift

I am From Peak Nordic yes back to skiing again
I spend the entirety of my winter with them over my schedule it reigns
Centered at lapham I have dubbed this my domain

But mostly from my family extended or close
long seasons anywhere with my cousins by my side
From my family and friends my life has took flight.

I know this didn’t rhyme, but I didn’t want to this time...... oh

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