Authour's Inspiration | Teen Ink

Authour's Inspiration

February 7, 2015
By happysappygirl101 GOLD, WonderLand,
happysappygirl101 GOLD, WonderLand,
11 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words are tools; to educate, support, mend, and express. They shouldn't be used to break down each other's minds... they should be used to fill the empty spaces in our heads with insight, in order to see what most eyes can't.

You always love the nighttime, while I'm in my room alone
As I lay in bed trying to sleep, you always feel right at home
You break me, yet you make me into who I'm meant to be
Yet when I turn the lights on, you're no where to be seen

The sun fell into starry skies, now faint twinkles are only out
My wall lights bring security, lit to help to keep you down
You burn under these bright lights, yet continue to grow darker
You're depressed by the LED's, yet your intentions never falter

I feel safe, a peaceful bliss, when the brightness blocks you out
Compressed by the canvas of lights and rays and doubt
Your comtempt is kept encased within what I do not know
My curiousity soon is a traitor... opens your cage and lets you go

One by one, lights flicker off, my mind's consumed by thoughts
I stare into the darkness, lost in what I once forgot
A logic loop around the line between smart and insane
White blindness is all I ever have to hide your thirst and pain

You give me hurtful wonder which you say's synonomous for knowledge
You say that wisdom's essense is contained in baggage's haulage
Come on, whisper sweetest bastard, your truth's buried in deceipt
Yet you make me question reality, as light's stimluation has ceased

In the light you're stuck in my shadow, stuck walking one step behind
But now that light is absent, your darkness has no confines
I have no new distraction, no light to switch off my thoughts
Lost in the dark, yet I can see my worst mentations are unlocked

Smug, you're proud of the memories and horrors you've released
But these thoughts born from within me must be tamed once of their leash

Sweet mind, pour out your shadows, they're black ink to fuel my pen
I'll lock your stories in notebooks, and drain out this hell again
And once your evil's emptied, you'll be forced back in your cage
Because the sun is slowly rising, as I turn another page

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