Blue based on Selma | Teen Ink

Blue based on Selma

February 17, 2015
By gabrielle simiti BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
gabrielle simiti BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the tears flowed down her face
Like rain pouring into the sea
No one understood her inner pain
The tears weren’t from sadness
Only in vain
For she thought that her life was truly free
But how can you be free, if no one lets you be?
You open your wings and try to fly
Then someone knocks you down
Right before you touch the sky
The feelings start to fade away
Like the sun on a rainy day
For what you hoped to come true
Will never be
Because they will never understand
The sorrow you feel within
So you always are and will be blue

The author's comments:

After watching the movie SELMA I was inspired to write this poem about Oprah Winfrey as she played a part in witnessing the violence that happened around her because of racism and segregation. 

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