I still miss you | Teen Ink

I still miss you

February 13, 2015
By America Resendiz BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
America Resendiz BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know how to say this
To make it sound so true 
So I’ll say it how I truly feel it
I’ve never missed anyone the way that I now miss you

I miss our conversations
How we used to talk every minute of every day
How I was able to tell you everything that was on my mind
But that’s no longer mundane
It’s been over a year we don’t speak

I understand that Goodbyes are not forever
But then again, how long does forever last
It’s getting old now, I’m tired of hiding from each other
So here’s a suggestion

Let’s talk it out
I know that Goodbyes are not The End
They simply mean I’ll miss you
I also know It’s crazy how you can go months without talking to someone 

Yet they still cross your mind everyday

I just want to know

Do you still cherish that friendship we started back in the summer of seventh grade?
I hope you do because I will never forget the memories we made
If you ever decide to give our friendship a second thought
You know where to reach me
Just know that I mean this

I miss you
I still do

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