In the world of a Tiny Ant | Teen Ink

In the world of a Tiny Ant

February 26, 2015
By juju_theBest SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
juju_theBest SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never say anything is impossible the word itself says 'i'm possible'

Petrified we wake up to begin our daily duty
Today was a the most fastest we have moved
But it seem a little forlorn today
Everything seemed to be immense

You just want to be a part of the world around you
Looking around you see the world moving on without you as if you weren’t someone
But all you want to be is someone meaningful
Someone who puts a dent in the world

There is no longer times to just go by the schedule it is time to be you the real you
Be different than the rest because you are unique in that one way
No one can tell you that your small and just you can’t do nothing to change that
We are meant to feel more empowering able to considered a big league not some Tiny Ant

No need to be daunt this may be a man’s world but we can reassure we are not Tiny
We are not Tiny the world is how vast or how meager we make it out to be
Life is short to wait if decide to stay an ant break some rules explore, dream
Every queen was once an Ant its for you to decide who you want to be
Queen or an Ant

The author's comments:

we are all tiny ants the world is what we make of it.

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