Last and Final Beating | Teen Ink

Last and Final Beating

April 2, 2015
By 6wietzel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6wietzel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last and Final Beating

As I lay on the floor, I watch the alcohol sink.
I knew,
the doors would slam and the hollering would fill my ear. 

Tears would clog her throat and fear would race in each of my heart beats.
After each slap and push towards his wife,
I knew I would be next.

Torture, venum, spite.
Tugging on my fur leaving me with bloody gouges,
quickly, my skin peeled back and my eyes shot blood.

Howling and screeching.
Hoping to escape,
morals left in destruction.

He was supposed to love me,
pet me, groom me, cuddle me,
but he had no feelings.

Satisfaction in beating.
One whip, two whip, three whip,
I could barely hold on.

My eyes watering.
My blood surrounding me,
my heart letting go.

This was the last and final beating I could endure.
I could see light,
I knew that for once in my life I was home.

Last breath and gasp of air.
My soul floating toward the light,
again, I was free at last from his torture.

Inhumane, foul, cruel.
Illegal, but not caring,
animal negligent to the extreme.

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