Dream catcher | Teen Ink

Dream catcher

April 12, 2015
By Lexey Wilson BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
Lexey Wilson BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We have kaleidoscope eyes
And  we see things in a different light
And as the days pass
I see the shapes
The fog clears
The dreams disappear
And I'm left with reality
Our hands touch
In a crowded room
Fractions of dreams still linger in me
And my dream catchers full of hidden memories
Who am I supposed to be?
Without my kaleidoscope eyes
Without you
Picture frames
Sitting at my desk
Lying on the floor
In broken shatters of glass
And the hours pass
Before I realize
I've lost them forever
The dreams
And the memories that I've lost it seems
And the pain that's followed by screams
What will I do
Without you

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