One Normal Day | Teen Ink

One Normal Day

April 20, 2015
By Megan Campbell BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Megan Campbell BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One normal day,

driving home.

Looking out the window,

watching the trees go by.

One split second,

everything changed.

The world started spinning,

around and around.

I closed my eyes as

things started rolling,

hitting me in the face.

The universe kept moving,

until everything just stopped.

I finally opened my eyes,

I was upside down.

The blood flowing to my head,

my heart was pounding,

out of my chest, the seat belt,

the only thing that held me in.

I looked around,

all I see is feet,

walking around

the wrecked car,

glass everywhere.

I ask myself,

what happened?

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