So Cold | Teen Ink

So Cold

April 28, 2015
By Chika Uwandu SILVER, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Chika Uwandu SILVER, Ypsilanti, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear a voice
honey is the sweetness it brings
yet its words smoothly contradict
bringing pain of ever being free

Because cold is the shackle
that chains my soul
That creeps onto me
and devours me whole

Yet when smiles come no more
and my faith is of no value
And no words can ever emit
Of the pain that I have been through

I hear a voice
so very faint and gentle
Yearning to be heard
But when will, if I can't hear my self?

When will, if my body has left
with the cold engulfing me
numbing my nerves of an epiphany
Of vitality, of any hope of ever being free

Cause that word was melted years ago,
along with all that I have come to known.
My liberty, my hope.

But as I stumble and fall
And tremble at your feet
There's no victory being called
it's just a broken me

Tired of fighting
Tired of facing defeat
Of being treated as nothing
Of facing no delivery

I can hide in my heart
Snuggle in the warmth it brings me
But there's a bitter storm outside
To no avail and with no victory

And with my voice, I can speak
With my message, I can make bold
That I won't live to see this world so lifeless
I won't live to see this world so cold.

The author's comments:

Hola; I'm Chika and I'm currently thirteen years old. Since I'm African-American, slavery is a very tender subject for me. Since my voice is able to be heard now, I like to express my feelings, and thoughts on slavery, hoping to warm another's heart; I hope my poem does just that, and that many thousands of people caged in slavery will never be forgotten!

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