Hidden Behind These Blue Eyes | Teen Ink

Hidden Behind These Blue Eyes

May 7, 2015
By John Lyons BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
John Lyons BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People are always quick to judge

how you act and what you do.

But they never bother to understand

why you act that way.

Hidden behind these blue eyes

there is a story to tell.

About why I keep to myself

and never put myself out there.

Hidden behind these blue eyes

there's a reason why

I think the way I do today

because of what happened


Hidden behind these blue eyes

there are things that

have happened that are too

terrible to write about.

About how my aunts died

of cancer.

About the time I last saw them

before they died.

About why I gave up on love.

And eventually, on myself.

Hidden behind these blue eyes

there is anger

and doubt

and love

and loss

and hate

and smiles

and tears

and happiness

and successes

and failures.

Hidden behind these blue eyes

there is a story

that ends with a

happy ending.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 27 2015 at 4:21 pm
Scribbler16 BRONZE, Hartland, WI, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 6 comments
Amazing, I hope you csan submit more work.