Doctor Frankenstien | Teen Ink

Doctor Frankenstien

May 10, 2015
By FairestOneOfAll SILVER, Houma, Louisiana
FairestOneOfAll SILVER, Houma, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

Black skin stretches across bone
that might be human or maybe it's animal.
My yellow eyes scream out your necrophilia.
My fingers belong to five different people!

Doctor Frankenstein what were you thinking?
Leaving a monster like me alone.
When the people see me they run screaming
And I don’t know why you ever thought making me,
Was a good idea.


My only hope was a blind man.
He unknowingly taught me to speak,
Because you never did, Doctor Frankenstein!
But when his children saw me they sent me way!
I really am a monster, aren't I?

Maybe I felt a little bad when I killed your brother.
But he looked so much like me when I had,
My fist wrapped around his windpipe.
And I didn't even blink when that girl took the fall,
Because you looked so heartbroken.
I couldn't help but to think that maybe,
You finally understood how I felt.

You think you can move on and find happiness?
Doctor Frankenstein, I can’t let that happen.
Your wife is dead because of my hand,
So now you just have to make me a companion
And I won’t kill you like I did her.

I understand your fears, Doctor.
But let me snip them in the bud for you.
We can’t have children because,
You didn’t give me the proper parts!
I promise we will run and hide,
Why would we want to be seen anyway?
Please just give her to me,
And I will stop killing for good.

Did you think that was a good idea, Doctor Frankenstein?
Throwing her in the ocean like she was nothing?
Well, now I’ve only got one option left.
And it’s to keep you with me instead.

Doctor Frankenstein, I don’t know,
What runs through your mind except that it’s horrible.
Put away your weapon, please don’t hurt me!
Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
No, please don’t leave me.

The author's comments:

This is the second Poem I have written about the novel Frankenstien. It is very much one of my insperations, and I hope you find it as powerful as I do.

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