I am an Oak Tree | Teen Ink

I am an Oak Tree

May 14, 2015
By RebeccaL GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
RebeccaL GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    Whistling winds hush the damp forest. Rain taps at caterpillar hide outs and drifts swiftly to hugging waters. Animals scurry across fallen leaves and broken limbs to regain shelter underneath my broad shoulders. My limbs stretch towards others, tickling them with my blossoms, trying to recreate a smile through the rain.

   Years soar by and I’ve only gained strength at the base. Sprawled across the land, giggling children lie at my feet. Hands swing towards the heavens to grab my shortest branch. Mother’s trust me with their eggs when they search for food, and others center around me for celebrations.

   Tattered storms break me down. Chattering machines roar at my feet. I gaze at the sky above and realize it’s my time. But as I shake the ground, feet gather around me with tears drooling down cheeks. Fingertips scan my story filled rings where I once stood. Memories dance across tongues in whisper-filled tears. My story ingrained love in my roots and rests in the moments shared in every living breath I once had. Rain kisses raw skin, winds brush between dirt and leaves, only to uncover a new sprout of life.

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