Generation Manifesto | Teen Ink

Generation Manifesto

May 25, 2015
By irenefg SILVER, Houston, Texas
irenefg SILVER, Houston, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -Friedrich Nietzsche

We are told many things in life.
We are expected to understand.
Expected to act as our ancestors in a world more cruel than theirs.
We are told to be examples when there are not any for us.
We are told we are too young to understand, too old to act as such.
We are called ruder and more ignorant than those of the past. But, we live in a ruder and more ignorant world.
We are told we are the next generation and the future of society rests on our shoulders. Told to clean up a mess, a mess they created.
If we try to participate, we are dismissed as children. If we act young, we are told to act mature.
We are judged for our differences and we are judged for trying to fit in.
“Go outside and play, like we did!” they tell us, but they fail to notice the streets outside are sad and empty. Corrupted by their mistakes.
They tell us to act like them, but they were not growing up in our world.
They never turned on smartphones to see others doing exactly what we are told not to do.
We are told to respect those who do not respect us.
We want to be young.
We yearn to make mistakes.
We need to live.
We wish to be told for once, “This will be a good generation.”

The author's comments:

A written peice on this generation.

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