My Idol | Teen Ink

My Idol

June 1, 2015
By Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life like Emma Dalton.

 I know I can be a pain in your back side
and a lot to handle. I don’t mean to be a
bother but I feel like I always am.

All you want is for me to do my best.
Yet, sometimes I can’t push any harder.
Even when I give up, you are always there.

You are always there because you would be
lost without me. You wouldn’t have me to
laugh with, to lay with, and to fight with.

You need me in your life, but I need you more.
I can’t imagine my life without you, my mother,
my angel, my idol.

I know I can be a pain in your back side
and a lot to handle. I don’t mean to be a
bother but I feel like I always am.

I know you love me, care for me, need me,
accept me, and adore me. But at times I notice things,
I bother you, I annoy you, and I am a pain.

Those are the times I hope you know I love you
more than ever. I look up to you, I follow in your

I want to be just like you.

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