You Are More to Me than That | Teen Ink

You Are More to Me than That

June 1, 2015
By Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life like Emma Dalton.

You can be known as the one that is sick
and the one that has a year left to
live. Leaving us, your family, behind.

The doctors said you had a while and I
didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t know
I would have to mark the calendar.

I had to mark the calendar for the month
you were supposed to die of cancer. Can
you imagine how that felt?

I was seven years old marking my calendar for
the day my Grandma would die. All I can remember
was you asking me one thing.

Remembering the one thing you asked me to do,
realizing it was impossible. Realizing it was terrifying
that I can’t do the thing you want me to do.

“Kayleen, do one thing for me.” says Grandma.
“Do not cry at my funeral because I will
always be there no matter what form.”

Her knowing I couldn’t do it. She always
wanted to push me to do my best and
this is her way of showing it.

She knows I need her, she knows I will
cry for her every day I need to. Yet, I know
you will always be there to listen.

She was here for me when I needed her.
Always and forever. I can feel her when
I feel down and afraid.

Now I know, she is here whenever I need
her, no matter what form it is in,
always and forever. 

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