Justice | Teen Ink


June 2, 2015
By Fionac8 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Fionac8 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Justice should burst into houses that look happy on the outside
but fear resides within
she should plant her feet between the cowering child
and the angry hand
"stop" her mighty voice should call out

Justice should be on the playground
holding the gentle hand of the boy
with muddy knees and messy hair
"annoying" they howl as children sometimes do.
and he will no longer be pushed over

Justice should be in the back seat
on the first date
when he pushes it too far
and she doesn't know how to say "no"
so she goes along

Justice should stand in the hallways
and wipe away the tears
of the boy who can't choose who he loves
and gets bullied for loving differently
"Your love is valid" she whispers

Justice should sit in the bathroom doorway
where she stands with almost empty concealer
and the man who once whispered, "i love you"
now leaves wishers on handprints
and won't remember in the morning

Justice should sit at the unemployment desk.
she should give the best job to the man with scars
"mommy, why does he look like that?"
with no way to support his family
like he did his country

but justice is stuck
in newspaper articles
and reality TV
blinded by limelight
to the harsh realities of the world.

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