Pretty In Pink | Teen Ink

Pretty In Pink

June 25, 2015
By Flor Hernandez BRONZE, Riverside, California
Flor Hernandez BRONZE, Riverside, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A girl Must always be pretty, she must always be pretty in pink, she must always wear a smile and must always be sweet

she must always wear a high neck collar shirt covering every piece of her skin because god forbid the wrong person see then..she is at fault

she mustn’t ask why! for it is wrong for her finger tips to be swollen and cut from putting the pieces of the puzzle together

she mustn't ask why!for her high neck collar shirt should've been longer and tighter; her skirt longer! maybe if her hair was shorter or maybe longer.. maybe if she had a sign: DONT TOUCH ME UNTIL I ASK YOU TO TOUCH ME

now afraid to wear a dress because she has wounds that hurt when you touch them,but she mustn't ask why so she leaves them untouched,hiding them

eyes to the floor when she's being approached she now closes the palm of her hand and shuts all the doors

not one part uncovered,not even the veins that lead to her heart bruises and wounds

“Maybe you shouldn't of worn that”

Never at fault not even temptation, she was only a girl pretty in pink who now fakes a smile and must always be sweet

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