~never ending birthday~ | Teen Ink

~never ending birthday~

August 9, 2015
By poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

His sister of six walked into his room
But his head was already tangled in a noose
His feet just swayed there
The gap between him and the floor being filled with stale air
He never thought about how this would effect her
She let out a piercing scream as she dropped to the floor
Moms drunk again and dad could be anywhere
So she ran across the street and finally found a neighbor
Tears streaming down her face
She yells help its my brother
I don't know what to do he is just hanging there
No one can understand
so they just confusingly stare
Stepping on glass her feet start to bleed
Running back through the rain
Her feet cold and bare
The rain mixes with her tears
She trips flying back up the stairs
Her legs are banged up
Bruised just like her mommy was
Daddy never knew how to play fair
She made It back home and flung open the door
Mom is passed out on the couch
So she searches for the phone
She finds it
Trying to breathe she Quickly dials 911
The operator answers with hi how may I help
Before the woman could finish the girl says I think he's gone
She tries getting an address
But the girls just to young
The operator tells her to explain the situation
Than asks for a guardian to come to the phone
But the only parent she has just wont wake up
The woman asks her to try again
She promises she'll be right on the other end
But they lost connection
Poor girl never realized the phone was almost dead
She threw it hard against the wall
Rocking back in fourth thinking the world has come to an end
she's sobbing uncontrollably
Then hears a knock at the door
It's the police
Shes curious "how did you find me?"
Rushing in they find a suicide note with 6 simple words
I just wanted to be seen
He's brought down but there is no pulse
They have no choice but to call it
Give or take ten minutes
Then they locate the mom
With an empty bottle of vodka
And a handful of missing pills
She od'd
That's what got her killed
She's not just asleep
A cop picks her up
And brings her to a paramedic
so they could fix her feet
Her outsides are all bandaged up
But on the inside she still bleeds
She's wishing she could just wake up from this horrible dream
She's tired of the nightmare
And the rest is blank
Just another part of history

It's her birthday again
Now she's 9
It's been three years and she still isnt fine
She's going on her sixth group home
On her seventh birthday her foster mother even got her stoned
And on her eighth she actually got stolen
Each year that passes she isn't any less broken
But she has to stay strong
And keep telling herself not everything is wrong

Once again that time has come around
Only she's 14 now
It's eight years down the road
Everything still seems to go really slow
She searching for that cloud with the silver line
But holding on to hope
Is so much harder than they described
She's trying to hold on
But fears she's running out of time
Eight years isn't very long
He was her age when he took his own life
So what's to say she doesn't do the same tonight?

Looks like she made it through the misery
Because now she's finally 16
Thinks to herself
Happy birthday to me?
It's more like happy anniversary
It's been exactly ten years
Straight to the day
She's never even had a party
But that's okay because she's found the perfect family
She's only been there a little more than a year
But that's alright cuz she's finally completed another year
She's got a car
To benefit her education
She's still afraid she won't go far
Eventually she'll come
To the everlasting realization
That you don't need to be perfect
You just gotta be smart
And she's doing a pretty good job so far

Now she's coming up on 24
She smiles brighter now than she ever did before
Though she still wishes that she could've done much more
Maybe if God had answered her prayer
Or she wished upon a star
But now that's the past
And nothing can change that

Now she's 36
And puts her life out on the line
Trying to give back
Trying to save lives

The author's comments:

In order to remind myself that my life isn't the worst I create these own stories that could easily be realistic. Oddly enough writing about something worse is often the only time I feel better.

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