Those Shoes | Teen Ink

Those Shoes

August 20, 2015
By always_tomorrow GOLD, Sacramento, California
always_tomorrow GOLD, Sacramento, California
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't dwell on the shores of your troubles, else the tide might come in and you'll start drowning.

I know what you're feeling.

I've been in those exact same shoes before.

No one else sees it...

they don't pay much attention to you.

But for you, 

that's a good thing.

You want it that way.

You don't want them to see you




Because they'll want to 


But you don't want to dump your


on anyone else.


you plaster a smile on your face each day,

so they won't even think to ask if anything is wrong.

You just don't want them to


about you.

You think they have more important things

to think about...

But I'm here to tell you

     you're wrong.





And, P.S:

I love you.

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