Where I Wish I Was From | Teen Ink

Where I Wish I Was From

September 17, 2015
By LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To get to the light, we must go through the deepest darkness...

I wish I was from Italy,
a sunny place with a disappearing breeze.
No negative thoughts--only me,
sitting on a lush green field and relaxing near a tree.
Soaking in the glorious sunlight,
laying my head back and closing my eyes tight,
thinking about where I wish I was from tonight.

I wish I was from the country,
the sunny brown dirt roads .
Fields that are lush green,
(Filled with red and blue flowers)
with a sunset glowing above the Ash trees.
Watching patiently as it fades into the darkness,
thinking about where I wish I was from.

I wish I was from the 1980’s.
Using blue eyes to see the differences between now and then.
Seeing Pretty in Pink and The Breakfast Club…
Listening to Michael Jackson and Madonna,
as I drive down Meadow Road at night.
Staying up past curfew at 10 pm,
to sit beneath the stars,
thinking to myself where I wish I was from.

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