Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 16, 2015
By rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the trees blowing...
tall and graceful.
I am from the isolated country...
peaceful and quiet.
I am from the untamed songs...
birds chirping and hawks nesting.

I am from the Poly Pockets and Barbies--
adventurous and inquisitive.
I am from Monopoly--
in debt and on a mortgage.
I am from playing house in the yard--
my sister and me.

I am from the senior year dedication--
the “Do your best,” “Try your hardest,” and “Don’t give up.”
I am from the difficult classes--
the AP’s and speech classes.
I am from the college application process--
the “Don’t mess up,” “Read carefully,” and “reread the application five times.”

I am from the rhythmic poems--
methodical and sleek.
I am from the guitar--
musical and inspiring.
I am from the art--
abstract and figurative.

I am from the Sandwich Artist--
working with pace and agility.
I am from the reception desk--
the discharging and patient room director.
I am from the support group--
dietary and health help.

I am still from the trees blowing...
tall and graceful.
I am still from the isolated country...
peaceful and quiet.
I am still from the untamed songs...
birds chirping and hawks nesting.

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