Love Was | Teen Ink

Love Was

October 1, 2015
By SmileyW SILVER, New York, New York
SmileyW SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you&#039;re past it.&quot;<br /> ~ Doug Coupland

was the look on his face when he saw me walking through the mess of a kitchen with his food: simple chicken ramen

was the time you brought me up high all the way above the city
that slept quietly below us
and told me
it’s you and me
against this world

was the moment I hugged you
the last night before you left for your trip the tears that came at the end of my eyes that was the only embrace we had
for years, it felt warm
yet so weird

was the words I couldn’t say
to her
they were just clogged in my throat hurt with every murmur
“I love you, mom”

was the moment I saw some pair of hands when I fell hopelessly onto the wet pavement

was the sound of hot sizzling food
waking me up
on a rainy morning
when the blankets still wanted to engulf me

was the person standing right in front of me
with his arms wide open his lips moved
“come as you are”

was the dark that
held my tears
when I felt them rolling he never spoke a sound about that to anyone
he just listened

was the sweet aftertaste of
the first sip of hot chocolate on my tongue yet it was also
the bitter sip of coffee
in the early morning

was just there.
There waiting for our date to happen
He was sitting on the bench
with the trees shaking from the fall wind Waiting for me to walk by

was waiting Patiently.

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