Ode to Alice | Teen Ink

Ode to Alice

October 12, 2015
By AraEast BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
AraEast BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hear three words so very often
“Sit there quietly”
Like a fr A gMen Ted record
It’s SO important that I LISTEN

They want me to LISTEN
                                  To Listen
                                              to listen
                                                          tO LisTeN

Oh, do you know what is my name?
Sweet dear little  Alice
Kind  cute  little  Liddell
Says she fell

Isn’t the girl so precious?

That hole I say I TuMbLeD down
Wasn’t really there
No, that hole I say I tUmBLeD down
Was the tunnel to my own INSANITY

How easy it is to simply say
“Was it all a dream?”
Where the pure white voice
Of a be-clothed hare
Brought me further from REALITY

I’m stranded on a tear-drop ocean
I cried all by myself
Stranded on a sea of my own depression
All that’s left is to take a little candy labeled “Eat Me”

“Eat Me” and let the l y r i c a l speech
Of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Carry my thoughts off happily
As they prattle off their nonsense stories
Keep me here in this nonsense world
This fountain of insanity
Where flowers can speak and cats hail from Cheshire

Keep me here
           the crust
                      of reality
Away from the murderous pains
Of depression and despair

They want me to LISTEN
They want me to WAKE
They want me to Listen
                             To LISTEN
                                            tO LisTeN

To listen so I keep myself awake
So I stay stuck in the torturous web of REAL LIFE
How long will it be before they see
The war for my
The cry
              “OFF WITH HER HEAD!”
Is beyond the reach of the real world

Leave me here in this medicated Wonderland

Reality is too much for me to take

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