Canopic Fait | Teen Ink

Canopic Fait

November 30, 2015
By linzt6 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
linzt6 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Be happy young prince, for your destiny is pure...
           The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step
           Dress in fine linen, anoint yourself with oils fit for gods
           You earned your light heart-The Land of Two Fields awaits...
Your suitable deeds brought you here
You can Board Ra’s sail in peace you travel
Your soul free, come and go as you please...
Don’t be frightened, your family is safe
Ba watching from above
The journey begins now, go before it’s too late…
Soar in tranquility-
Be happy young prince, for your destiny is pure.

The author's comments:

Egyptian afterlife

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