Stealing Aesop's Sour Grapes | Teen Ink

Stealing Aesop's Sour Grapes

December 1, 2015
By LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To get to the light, we must go through the deepest darkness...

Inch forward,
one by one.

“Ready my anxious paws for the scam, 
for I am the sneaky fox.”

Inch forward,
one by one.

“Those grapes survey superb, 
for grapes should not squander.” 

Inch forward,
one by one.

“A crafty step and I’m ready,
My mouth yearns to taste.”

Inch backwards,
one by one.

“Aesop’s wishes I did not comply,
for he in the garden, moved them to high.”  

Inch backwards,
one by one.

“I leave without turning… 
They must’ve been sour grapes anyway…”

Inch backwards…
One by one...

The author's comments:

This poems about the expression "Sour Grapes". The story goes that a fox had been trying to steal grapes one day and when he couldn't get to them, with disappointment he turned around and declared them to be bad. That way he wouldn't want them anymore. This expression is used with disappointment when people don't get what they want. 

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