Battle | Teen Ink


December 10, 2015
By Laforet13 BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
Laforet13 BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stand on the ramparts,

The battlements bathed in sun.

The war rages on the horizon,

But I've no reason to run.


Hope girds my mind.

Courage armors my soul.

Never will I fall to the words of man,

Within which storm clouds roll.


Fear not, though the ground quakes below

And the sight is struck from your eyes.

Fear not, for even in the darkest nights

The sun will always come to rise.

The author's comments:

When I wrote this piece, I had one word in mind: Hope. I wanted to write about how even when things get dark or when you want to give up, if you have hope you will always have a warmth about you that pushes you through all your trials. I've been thinking a lot about mental health recently; it's something I struggle with and I know many of my peers do to, I wanted them to know that no matter what they're going through, hope will pull them through.

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