Symphonies | Teen Ink


December 14, 2015
By Cellolover BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Cellolover BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What you do speaks so loudly that I can't hear what you say" Ralph Waldo Emerson

I play cello!

You play violin!

Both qually beautiful

Perfect harmonies when played together

Your lips are as still as a violinist's hands during

a Grand Pause.

My Mind playing Symphonies composed 

just for you from me.

Your silence is a deafening as 

a Concert A played forever on end.

My heart beats faster than a metronome 

playing Presto instead of its usual Allegro.

It was as if no matter how many introverted signals

I sent you your A string was never quite intune

with mine.

It was as if at first you actually tried to 

tune to my A.

Then it turned into me tuning to your A flat.

As if my A wasn't already flat enough

with my anxiety that held me back

from playing you those Symphonies

that I composed for you in the hollow

Opera House that is my chest!

And when I finally mustered up enough courage

to play them for you,

Slow my heart down to an Adagio,

Tune my A string perfectly,

Silence the Chamber Orchestra in my ribcage,

You put your conductors baton down.

Placed it carfully on the podium,

and left.

You said our communication was off!

Principle Cellist and Concert Master!

You said our connection was lost!

I tried to give you your space,

play Piano while you played Fortisimo!

I tried not to drown out the Melody 

of your sweet voice with my Bass line.

You took my Symphonie with you.

My Auditorium now silent.

With the occasional sound of me trying

to tune my popped strings.

I'm now forced to sit and listen to you

compose symphonies of your own.

I play the Piano Bass line,

while you play the Melody.

I'm forced to sit in the silence of my 

hollow Opera house,

that was once filled with the Symphonies

I composed just for you,

from me.

I sit and stare at the podium,

in playing position,

waiting for someone to pick up the baton,

and lead my Symphonies.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece originally at about one in the morning. It took me a long time to fianlly put together and mold all the small lines I wanted to fit in this piece in one way or another. For that reason, it was originally written as a spoken word poem. I hope that others will enjoy reading it more than I enjoyed writing it. Thank You.

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