Have I Gone Mad | Teen Ink

Have I Gone Mad

December 19, 2015
By wanderlust.walflower SILVER, Mississauga, Other
wanderlust.walflower SILVER, Mississauga, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dearest soul,
If you can hear me,
Please shout out,
End this deafening silence.
Save me from the madness,
An ocean of impossibilities,
Seeping into me,
Drowning me.

My hopes
Are nothing more
Than wishful thoughts,
Filling my head;
The thoughts arise,
And I sink.

Ankles chained down
To an anchor
Of my own foolishness.
How stupid was I to believe,
I should be different,
That life’s poison arrows
Shall, by chance, miss me.

But once hit,
The toxin seeped
Into my blood stream,
Running circles through my heart,
Turning it black.

The side effects
Leaving my bones hollow,
A void left
For the echoes
To form new homes.

My lungs collapse,
Leaving behind
An ashtray of calamities.
Every inhale
A wheeze of desperation.
It’s tough to breathe,
When ghosts of years past,
Use your oxygen
To fuel their torturous screeching.

Crescent moons
Line my palms,
In a contour of red.
Under bitten nails,
Lay a crust of blood.
Clenching fists only do so much
To control the lack of sanity.

Skin marked
With remnants of battles fought,
In nightfall abstract feuds.
Those that feel so authentic
You can grasp out
And feel the bruises.
But come sunshine,
Memories descend into oblivion.

My lunacy has left me
With a rotting corpse
Of my former self.
The psychology of it all
Has my mind dazed,
They’re only just words
That go through one ear
And out the other.

There is no escaping the insanity,
It follows you,
A shadow of darkness,
In all that is beautiful.

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