If I Write You A Love Song | Teen Ink

If I Write You A Love Song

December 28, 2015
By LaurenW SILVER, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
LaurenW SILVER, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It feels so empty without you, so come here.

If I write you a love song
With an ending so very sad
Will you realize how it hurts?
If I write you a love song
Which explains in some words how I really feel
Will you understand?
If I write you a love song
Only for you and everything about you
Will you notice?
If I write you a love song
The only things I want to know
Is if you realize the pain
If you understand the words
And if you notice the truth
Will you?

The author's comments:

Secret desires burn in many people. It burns so much, it feels cold in their hearts as if ice is freezing it apart.

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