How to make a close relationship | Teen Ink

How to make a close relationship

January 5, 2016
By 7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


10 craters of trust
9 gardens of love
8 oceans of honesty
7 valleys of friendship
6 seasons of strength
5 mounds of kindness
4 galaxies of happiness
3 acres of loyalty
2 empires of communication 
1 lifetime of passion

First, take 10 craters of trust and dump them in an empty bowl. Make sure to spread the trust before putting in other ingredients. Second, drop in the 10 freshly picked gardens of love on top of the trust. Make sure to measure out precisely 8 oceans of honesty into a separate bowl. Next, you want to put 7 valleys of friendship in the bowl with 8 oceans of honesty and mix slowly. When both ingredients are mixed well, put 6 seasons of strength in and mix until evenly joined. Put 5 mounds of kindness and 4 galaxies of happiness in the bowl with the love and trust. Mix well. Then, mix 3 acres of loyalty into that same bowl. Dump both bowls into one large bowl and sprinkle in 2 empires of communication. Lastly, pour in a lifetime of passion. Wait 10 years and it will be done.

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