Bonds of Freedom | Teen Ink

Bonds of Freedom

January 30, 2016
By lastsongofthesparrow PLATINUM, Auburn, New Hampshire
lastsongofthesparrow PLATINUM, Auburn, New Hampshire
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Freedom lies in being bold." - Robert Frost

Fly away my little birdie,
Please promise to keep well,
Life is such a risky gamble;
It will bind you with its spell.
Oh, my little birdie, dear,
You must learn to listen and see,
Never let yourself be bound,
For you will no longer fly free.
My little birdie, don’t you stop,
From being who you are,
Love more deeply than the ocean;
Let your dreams soar broad and far.
Little birdie, don’t fall down,
Don’t let yourself be broken,
Life will try to silence you;
You must remain outspoken.
My little birdie, how I worry,
About your journey on this flight,
Life will coerce you to play its game,
But you can’t let it blind your sight.
Little birdie, oh my birdie,
Keep your knowledge deep within,
Stay strong in what you believe,
Don’t ever once yearn to give in.
Fly away now my little birdie,
With this bittersweet farewell;
If love is forever kept in your heart,
Then in bonds you shall never dwell.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem from my own challenging experiences in life. So many people try to tell others how to live, controlling and manipulating them with lies and hurtful words. I've witnessed countless people lose faith in themselves because of this, and one day, I wanted to make a statement about it. Yes, life is hard, and it will try to push you down, but don't give up and believe the lies of the people trying to clip your wings. Don't conform to what others tell you to do. Fight onward, stay firm in what you believe, be yourself, and most importantly, do everything with love.

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