Drowning in Emotion | Teen Ink

Drowning in Emotion

February 3, 2016
By BluBrryPancak SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
BluBrryPancak SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anything as simple as
Answering a question
Asked by the teacher
In front of the class
Can lead me to
A downpour of Emotion.

A simple waterfall that
Leads to the lake of my anxiety,
Confusion (clearheaded)
Doubt (knowing)
Fear (bravery)
I am certain that everyone sees
The dew on my brow,
The swamps in my eyes.
Panic only makes things

Panic is
The gravity of my waterfall,
Driving it to form a river, rushing,
Filled with my raw
Bravery (fear)
Pride (doubt)

The river of my Emotion
Feeds the salty ocean
Who is hungry for
My downpour.
He tugs and pulls
At my edges,
Pushing my every limit.
I drown in a tsunami of

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