I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

February 8, 2016
By 7browns SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7browns SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from

a house of five people,
with one full bathroom,
fighting for the shower in the mornings.
Yelling and pushing…

I am from
sharing a room with my older sister (for 16 years) who says she  “hates me.”
an older brother who’s  inspiring from his intelligence and creativeness,
a sister who I look up to.
Fighting and laughing…

I am from
parents married for 27 years,
with years to come,
wishing I can find the same pure love.
Appreciative and whole-hearted...

I am from
the only child at home,
hollow space drilled in my heart from my siblings living away from home,
living two hours away.
Lonely and sad…

I am from
hearing Kelly say “I love you” rather than “I hate you”
David saying “I miss you,”
and my parents saying “So when are you leaving for college?”
Refreshing and amusing...

I am from 
a house of three
with one full bathroom,
easily stepping into the shower in the mornings.
Cold and heavy-hearted…

I am from
the house known for love, laughter, and life
soon taking my own path,
starting college and pursing my career.
Excited and ready.

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