What Made the Woman I Am | Teen Ink

What Made the Woman I Am

February 8, 2016
By Jada23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jada23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From a family
of  eight cousins,
seven uncles and aunts,
three siblings,
four parents,
and we’re a family
of courageous, compassionate contrast.

I am from a detached family,
three homes
One with a loving mother and brother, and step dad
a second with accepting  grandparents and sister,
and a third with a distant father and stepmom.

I am from a family like an ocean
my mom the sun over the ocean; keeping people warm
my dad the shark; keeping the community safe
my brother the pack of fish; all around
my sister the shark; trying to be in everyone’s business
I am a stingray; keeping to myself.

From a home of disasters,
a broken arm
Descending three feet into sand;
A fractured wrist
declining during roller skating.

I am from a childhood of
balloons filled with water,
throwing balloons onto black trampoline
of breaking the balloons by jumping.

From around the world
90 degrees through 20 degrees,
Spanish to English,
traveling to staying put,
beaches to grass,
petite to a grand home,
one home to four,
activities to a TV watcher.

I am from a family
where I should never be ashamed
no matter my weirdness or awkwardness
I am from a place where I am  myself…

From a family
with members,
but a family of
adventurers, affectionate amusing.

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