Early Bite | Teen Ink

Early Bite

March 3, 2016
By Breannasand SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Breannasand SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit and wait
Being still, the only thing moving is my jig swaying in the water

The lake is like a pool of  liquid crystal
Staring into the water is like looking into a mirror

Everything is silent
I feel my pole suddenly get a hit
Reeling while hesitant of what I've caught
I keep my line tight

It seems like I have caught a brick
The line is sprinting away
My rod bending to where the tip is almost touching the water's surface
Pulling with all I have
Being sure not to let it loose
It fights until it breaks the surface
I struggle to fit it in the net I have
Mad, with teeth like a shark, it flips and jerks
I force it to the stringer

I’ve done it
I have landed the keeper
Soothing, it's calm
I again have a quiet mind
The only movement made is my reflection in the mirror

I sit and wait

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