Different Views | Teen Ink

Different Views

March 11, 2016
By thibodeaub BRONZE, Gilmanton IW, New Hampshire
thibodeaub BRONZE, Gilmanton IW, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a grain of sand.
There are billions like me,
but I am one and only.
Getting stepped on and carried away,
from the place I called home,
into the vast blue dismal ocean.
One grain of sand sinking into the depths of the blue
Maybe never to see the light again,
or feel the fresh crisp, salty air,
the soft lucid shades of orange, and reds from the sun rise,
the repetitive sound of the waves crashing on the shore,
or the gentle mist from the impact that bursts,
as the drizzle brushes the landscape,
the energetic cries of restless birds.

Though there is beauty above, there is beauty below.

For the first time I see differently.
A magnanimous allotment of vibrant fish,
and spirited coral vivacious with wandering creatures throughout it,
light from above as it shimmers on the glassy rubble,
seaweed as it sways in the current as if dancing,
sounds of distant alarms of danger,
as they veer around the smooth rocks,
I thought the beach had more beauty,
But it is equal to the undersea utopia.
Either way I see something new.

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