You Be You | Teen Ink

You Be You

March 23, 2016
By randideitz BRONZE, Towaco, New Jersey
randideitz BRONZE, Towaco, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is the perfect dream,
what life should be like.
Everything is ideal-
everyone is happy.

But this is not life.
Nothing is perfect…
Things don’t always go the way you want them to.

Clashing and yearning,
Crashing and burning,
A major part of living.
One may fall to build themselves back up,
but in the end,
it is your life.
Live it like nobody's watching.

Act like a bull and take charge.
Act like a dog and be a best friend.
Act like a lion and run your world.
Be you.
Live the life you want.

Don’t let anyone change that.
Don’t let anyone tell you who to be.
Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
Be the American you want to be-
You be you!

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