Beware of the Greeks Bearing Gifts | Teen Ink

Beware of the Greeks Bearing Gifts

March 17, 2016
By Rohades18 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Rohades18 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aphrodite plagued by jealousy,
conscientiously produced a golden fruit,
an apple inscribed “for the fairest.”
Hand-picked, Paris single-handedly
compelled to afflict disappointment for all but one...

Paris bribed with love and beauty
chose the goddess herself.
She described Helen
whose love supposedly his. 
Parties involved agree all but one...

Wife missing, kissing her goodbye,
only thing to do now is radical,
Menelaus dismissing troops to Troy.
“Set sail!” Arrived at the shore.
War declared.
Warriors fought all but one...

Greeks destroyed Troy
golden boy Paris took a hit
not going to make it.
Odysseus returned with
plans, toying with his counterfeit horse.
Cities knew the outcome, all but one...

Celebratory parties:
“Troy surrendered! Hooray!”
Horse rendered Trojans.
Guards, they killed
Night still for all but one.

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