Link between the heavens and mortals | Teen Ink

Link between the heavens and mortals

March 17, 2016
By Paintedlady19 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
Paintedlady19 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A message
white layers wound tightly...
Bound to a hip, by a leather strap and knot
the words that lie inside...
A message.

A leather sole
not one but two pieces...
Leather straps woven around the ankle
outbound feathers connected...
A leather sole.

A golden rod
smooth and cool to the touch...
Two swirling serpents caught in gaze at the tip
golden wings attached...
A golden rod.

A man
cunning but trustworthy...
A link between the heavens and mortals
the messenger...
A man.

The author's comments:

Hermes--the messenger

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