Rome, Sweet Rome: The Roman Colosseum | Teen Ink

Rome, Sweet Rome: The Roman Colosseum

March 18, 2016
By 7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sun stained sweat beads adorn faces of the crowd.
Loud roars echo the arena, exhilarating the gladiators.
Two men ready their weapons, realizing their fate awaits.
Swords and sand sail, a gladiator traps his opponent.
It’s a massacre, engulfed in murderous manner.

An architectural wonder,
standing in the heart of Rome.
Its concentric piers and arches link
with the walls of an everlasting ellipse.
It’s a massacre, engulfed in murderous manner.

The victor awaits the crowd’s approval.
With the echo of a loud, lingering moan,
the gladiator knows what he must do.
A single swing of the sword slaughters his opponent.
It’s a massacre, engulfed in murderous manner.

The crowd hollers one last battle cry
before they return to their homes.
The sun is laid to rest among the life of the fallen gladiator,
awaiting another day of bloodshed battle.
It’s a massacre, engulfed in murderous manner.

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