I Can See Through The Dark | Teen Ink

I Can See Through The Dark

March 29, 2016
By archangel3214 BRONZE, League City, Texas
archangel3214 BRONZE, League City, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The [world] is easy to see in black and white, but gray? I don't know what to do with gray."

What’s the point in hiding?
I can see you right where you are,
But then again, you don’t know that.
You can’t see me hiding in the dark,
But I can see you shivering under your bed sheets.


I can see you quaking with fear when you get up in the middle of the night,
The darkness still scaring you even though
You are too old to be afraid of the dark.


Your mom told you that the monsters under your bed don’t exist,
But what she didn’t say
Was that the monsters in the closet
And the monsters in the dark corners
Exist no matter where you go.


I can see you bug eyed when I wake you up
In the middle of the night, looming over you,
Waiting for you to scream,
But you don't. Even better,
So the monsters inside of you decided
That they want to play now.
And this is the part where you scream.


The darkness is terrifying,
But those monsters don’t just hide in the dark.
We exist everywhere, and we look just like you.
Now hush, go back to sleep
This is all a dream,
But the falling tears on your face aren’t.

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