Missed Opportunities (A Man Who Loves the Wrong Wife) | Teen Ink

Missed Opportunities (A Man Who Loves the Wrong Wife)

April 1, 2016
By FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Piglet: &quot;How do you spell love?&quot;<br /> Pooh: &quot;You don&#039;t spell it, you feel it.&quot;

In front of me lies a life I never thought I’d live
I wouldn’t change the chapters that started off as ashes, but turned into the golden years of my life.
Love fell upon me at the age of 14.
Her eyes constantly cheated on me.
She looks at me with a different set now and gave the other pair to a gentleman who isn’t gentle.
His words are a curse and not  blessings in disguise.
To this day I love the one I’m with, but she’s not my soul mate
I’ve dug a hole within my heart and buried her love for me in the soil of my vessels.
They say young love never dies, yet revives itself later in life.
My childhood dream was that she’d be my wife.
Hopefully she’ll choose to marry me while I lay at rest.
Instead of flowers maybe she’ll place an engagement ring upon my grave stone so we will be committed to each other and only each other until the end of time and if the big bang decides to reenact itself we can become the same star. As scary as it sounds is that I would die to marry her.
My woman is routine and she takes up the other side of my bed, yet the love I have for her doesn’t take up the other side of my heart.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by poems from the "Spoon River Anthology" by Edgar Lee Masters. In English class we've been reading quite a few of the poems from that book and I just found inspiration from the characters.

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