She's Perfect | Teen Ink

She's Perfect

April 1, 2016
By JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s perfect.
Well, to me she is
And that’s all that matters, doesn’t it?
She has crazy brown hair
It looks beautiful no matter how she wears it
In a ponytail or down around her delicate shoulders.
Her baby blue eyes always make me catch my breath.
I have dreams about those eyes
I hope they will always love me and only me.
She’s so smart.
Sometimes I get jealous of her
How effortlessly she can understand things
And she’s so understanding
So kind
So patient
I wish I was more like her.
She has so much going on
Sometimes I think
She would be better without me.
If I disappeared
She probably wouldn’t notice.

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