You are My Shadow | Teen Ink

You are My Shadow

April 5, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You are my shadow because
You follow me everywhere.
There is no loss of you.
You are always there for me.

You are always there for me.

I’ve been told that life is all about gain and loss.
But it’s weird.
Am I lucky that nothing seems like a loss when I am with you?

Day and night, you are always there.
Like my shadow, sometimes you are small.
Sometimes you are gigantic.
But no matter how much power you possess,
No matter you are sick or not,
No matter your anger melts or not,
No matter you are old or not,
You’ve been there for me.

Sometimes, you are not so visible.
But I know you are there.
I never doubted your presence.

You are always there for me.
You are so loyal.
You will be there for me until I die.

Dear my parents, you are my true shadow.
No matter you physically stay in this world with me or not,
I know you will always be there for me.

You are so loyal.
You will be there for me forever.

Dear my parents, you are my shadow when I am lost in a meadow.
You give me power to continue my journey.
Dear my parents, you are my shadow on a window.
You are my reflection.

Dear my parents, you are companions in my life.
I wonder what I would do without your serene present-like presence...

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