Never Finn, Will I Forget | Teen Ink

Never Finn, Will I Forget

April 16, 2016
By AlexBoehmer BRONZE, Rosemount, Minnesota
AlexBoehmer BRONZE, Rosemount, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Never Finn, will I forget the loud crowded afternoon at the animal shelter,

Never Finn, will I forget the little white and black face, and the little black button nose positioned perfectly on your innocent little face,

Never Finn, will I forget the sight of you, a baby 8 week old rolling around in a confined prison, crying to let you be free and be loved,

Never Finn, will I forget the cloudy warm summer day, when we chose to bring you into our lives,

Never Finn, will I forget the happiness, when you jumped into my arms for love and warmth,

Never Finn, will I forget the changing of your expression, that went from sad and desperate for love, to happy and hopeful,

Never Finn, will I forget the tail wagging, your whole body swaying back and fourth, and the cries of happiness and joy when I picked you up,

Never Finn, will I forget these things as long as I live,

Never Finn, Never

The author's comments:

     I wrote this to tell the story about how I felt when I brought my puppy home from the animal shelter. I want people to see the importance of adopting dogs and animals from the aninmal shelters. I also want people to see what animals can do for humans, animals can help humans in so many ways and I think it is important for people to relize that, that is true.

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