If I Could Change the World | Teen Ink

If I Could Change the World

April 22, 2016
By BreanaSmits GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
BreanaSmits GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could change the world
There would be a chance everyday to read.
No one would feel like
they don’t correlate
or consider they need to judge anyone.

If I could change the world
I would have everyone consume their nights
watching the sunset,
And people would never be concerned about
feeling safe in their homes.

If I could change the world
There would never be causeless homework
to cram the nights of students’ lives
who are just trying to live
in their cherished years of freedom.
I would find a way to make it capable
for everyone to be who they choose
without fear of contemplation,
And that Robin Williams was correct:
No matter what people can tell you,
Words and ideas can change the world.

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